pp108 : External Messages

External Messages

This topic describes external mesages in the .

An external message is a message or element that is part of an application service outside the context of the current business process.

You can drag external messages of any application service from the project content tree in Workspace Documents (Explorer) view on to a Start event, Intermediate Message event, End event, Sub-process and, Send Message Activity contructs in a business process, without actually using the application service.

The following table displays the result of attaching external messages to BPMN constructs in a process model.

Table 1. Attaching External Messages to BPMN Constructs



Start event

The input message displays the root name of the message that is defined in the WSDL of the application service. Also, the input message changes to the newly created message in the Message Map.Refer to Start Event Properties Interface for more information.

Receive Message event

The input message displays the root name of the message that is defined in the WSDL of the application service. Also, the input message changes to the newly created message in the Message Map.Refer to Receive Message Event Properties Interface for more information.

Independent Sub-process

Prompts the user to select either an input message or an output message. After the selection, the input or the output message displays the root name of the message that is defined in the WSDL of the application service.Refer to Independent Subprocess Properties Interface for more information.

Send Message

Displays the root name of the message that is defined in the WSDL of the application service. This part is to be sent to the main process.Refer to Send Message Event Properties Interface for more information.

End event

The output message displays the root name of the message that is defined in the WSDL of the application service. The output message changes to the newly created message in the Message Map.Refer to End Event Properties Interface for more information.



Related concepts

Process Specific Messages

Related tasks

Creating a Process Specific Message
Creating Assignments

Related information

Using Message Maps